Umpires & Rules of Play
"In 1943 the game was basically Baseball with Softball style pitching. Base runners took leads and were not required to "hold the base," until after the delivery." Mary Pratt 43 Peaches


Baseball Rules with Softball Windmill No Arc Pitching.

Circumference of Ball: 12 Inches
Length of Base Paths: 65 feet
Pitching Distance: 40 feet
Pitching Style: No Arc Windmill Pitching.

Copy of the Official 1946-1947 Rules Book.

Umpires Corner:

Umpire Requirements
* Be knowledgeable of the League Game rules as outlined in the 1946-47 Rules book and the appropriate size game ball and field dimensions as described on the chart on this page.
* Be willing to officiate at least 3 regular season games and one of the following: The All-Star Game or Championship game.
* Purchase and wear the period League Umpire's Uniform: Black Pants, White Dress Shirt, Black Bow Tie, and a Black Wool Umpires Hat (available for purchase from our Uniform supplier K&P Weaver); a period Black Jacket is optional.
* Umpires must also provide their own safety equipment and tools of the trade which includes: a period looking black face mask and black chest cushion if working behind the plate; Umps should also have a scoring clicker and home plate brush.
* Additional League Policies and Protocols available for review on the Policies and Protocols page.



Record of AAGPBL Equipment courtesy of the
AAGPBL Players Association.
Year Ball Size Length of
Base Paths
1943 12" 65' 40' Underhand
1944 11 1/2"(midseason) 68'(midseason) " "
1945 " " 42'(midseason) "
1946 11" 70' 43' Underhand
Limited Side-arm
1947 " " " Full Side-arm
1948 10 3/8" 72' 50' Overhand
1949 10"(red seam) " 55'(midseason) "
1950 10"(livelier) " 55'(midseason) "
1952 10"(livelier) " " "
1953 " 75' 56' "
1954 9"(midseason) 85' 60' "